Cookie Policy

This website uses its own and third-party cookies for its correct operation and for analytical purposes. By clicking the Accept button, you agree to the use of these technologies and the processing of your data for these purposes.
You can change your cookie preferences at any time by returning to the Customise Cookies page, which you can access via the Cookie Notice. For more information about cookies and how we use them, please see our Cookie Policy page.
Technical cookies
These are those that allow registered users to navigate through the Website, the restricted area and use its different functions, such as the comment system or the search engine or carry out the purchase process of a Product or Service and cannot be deactivated.
Analysis or measurement cookies
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These are cookies that, whether processed by the website or by third parties, allow the number of users to be quantified and thus perform statistical measurements and analyses of how users use the website. To do this, your browsing on this website is analysed in order to improve it.
Social cookies
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They are set by social media platforms to allow users to share content with their friends and networks.