Privacy Policy

The privacy policy of the website informs users of this website of the following points so that they can freely and voluntarily decide whether they wish to provide the personal data that may be requested through the use of the different services we offer, taking into account that this personal data will be strictly essential to be able to provide you with the service you have selected.
The domain name is registered in favor of AMBRA DORA LUCCHINI NIF Y5909609A address Calle Galicia nr. 40 - 38670 Adeje.
When the user provides their Personal Data using our contact forms or emails, they are expressly authorizing Ambra Dora Lucchini to automatically process their Personal Data in order to meet their service requests. Ambra Dora Lucchini will include the data provided by the user in a file owned by it that will have all the necessary security measures required by current regulations on Data Protection.
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, the user is informed that the data entered in the forms will be included in a file, owned by Ambra Dora Lucchini, to be processed for the purpose of maintaining, developing and controlling the contractual relationship that unites us, responding to queries sent at the request of the user, or sending postal, telephone or email communications informing about our products or services.
The user may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to their data by sending an email to, indicating in the subject line the right they wish to exercise.
Only the information that is technically essential for us to be able to offer you a satisfactory service will be collected electronically.
Ambra Dora Lucchini maintains the security levels for the protection of personal data in accordance with Royal Decree 994/1999, of June 11, regarding the security measures for automated files containing personal data, and undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality regarding personal data contained in the automated file in accordance with applicable legislation. Secure technical means have been established to prevent alteration, misuse and unauthorized access to the data that the user provides us through our portal. Ambra Dora Lucchini reserves the right to modify the right of access to the portal at any time.
In order to facilitate navigation on our portal, the user agrees to the use of cookies. The user has the option of configuring his or her browser to be notified on screen when cookies are received and to prevent their installation on his or her hard drive.
Ambra Dora Lucchini uses the following services in order to provide a better user experience to our current and potential customers:
-Google Analytics
Web analytics tool from Google. It offers aggregated information on traffic arriving at websites based on audience, acquisition, behavior, etc.
-Google Search Console
It allows website creators to check the indexing status of their websites on the Internet by the search engine and to optimize their visibility. It is also a tool in which modifications can be made to improve the appearance of the website.
-Facebook Pixel
-Facebook tool that helps us measure and optimize our advertising campaigns on this platform.
-This CEM tool allows us to perform heatmap type analyses, recordings, build funnel reports, analyze forms and even pose widgets or surveys to our visitors with the sole objective of improving conversion.
The processing of personal data, as well as the sending of commercial communications by electronic means, are in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
The domain name of this portal is the property of Ambra Dora Lucchini, . The website in its entirety, including its design, structure, distribution, texts, contents, logos, buttons, images, drawings, source code, as well as all intellectual and industrial property rights and any other distinctive sign, belong to Ambra Dora Lucchini, . or, where appropriate, to the persons or companies that appear as authors or holders of the rights.
The total or partial reproduction or exploitation, by any means, of the contents of the portal for uses other than legitimate information or contracting by users of the services offered is prohibited.
Ambra Dora Lucchini is not responsible for any damage or loss that may occur due to a circumstance of force majeure, such as: errors in the communication lines, defects in the hardware and software of users, failures in the Internet network (connection, in the linked pages). Ambra Dora Lucchini reserves the right to modify this privacy policy in order to adapt it to possible legislative developments, as well as those that may arise from existing standard codes on the subject or for strategic or corporate reasons. Ambra Dora Lucchini's main objective is to guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of users' personal data, collected through any system that allows the transmission of data, traveling through completely secure channels. Consequently, it expresses its commitment to comply with the legislation in force on this matter at any given time.
Ambra Dora Lucchini is not responsible for any misuse of the contents of its website, which is the sole responsibility of the person who accesses or uses them. It also assumes no responsibility for the information contained in third-party websites that can be accessed through links from the page. The presence of these links is for informational purposes only, and in no case constitutes an invitation to purchase products or services that may be offered on the destination website. In the event that Ambra Dora Lucchini has actual knowledge that the activity or information to which these links refer is illegal, constitutes a crime or could harm the property or rights of third parties that may be subject to compensation, it will act with the necessary diligence to remove or disable the corresponding link as soon as possible.
The end user has the right to rectify, cancel or delete his/her data at any time, as well as to receive a copy of the data stored.
To do so, simply send an email to indicating it in the subject.